Thursday, July 30, 2009

Moosewood - the beginning

This whole idea started 7 years ago, when I became vegetarian. Of course I didn't plan to write a cooking blog at age 11, but it was a decision that has shaped my cooking preferences, obviously. I'm disinclined to cook something I can't eat, and I thought this limited me severely in my choices for recipes and such. I decided to super-specialize on one or two dishes. That is, until my mom handed me the Moosewood Cookbook. It's written for vegetarians, by vegetarians, and should be on everyone's shelf. The recipes are simple, filling, delicious, and healthful. It's from the author's original notes, photocopied rather than typed, so it's got a friendly feel, notes and doodles adorning the hand-written recipes. Ever since then, I've been a terror in the kitchen, experimenting, trying new recipes, making up my own, whatever. The aim for this blog is simple: Find recipes for the vegetarian teen or young adult that are simple, tasty, nutritious and can be portioned out and saved for a while without losing their taste.